Did you Know?
Fact #1: According to the National Institute of Mental Health, early-onset Bipolar Disorder affects potentially up to one million teenagers from the ages of 14 to 18. Fact #2: There is no known cure for early-onset Bipolar Disorder which can begin to show symptoms in children as young as five. Fact #3: There is currently no empirical test, no bio-marker test, no blood test, no MRI and no genetic test yet developed to scientifically show that someone has Bipolar Disorder. Fact #4: Bipolar Disorder in children and adolescents may be different from the adult form of this illness. Children and adolescents are more likely to be irritable and prone to destructive outbursts than to be elated or euphoric. Fact #5: Bipolar Disorder used to be called manic depression. Fact #6: It is not uncommon for children and adolescents with Bipolar Disorder to self-medicate and develop issues with chemical and substance abuse There is Hope. With early diagnosis, intervention and treatment, people can recover and led fulfilling lives. Employment and support strategies are available. A bipolar peer support group is available. Causes of Bipolar The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown, but several factors may be involved, such as:
Pamphlets: English | French Types of Bipolar Disorder
Some Common Symptoms of Bipolar
Treatment Treatment involves a combination of medication and psychosocial treatments. The medications are known as mood stabilizers. Psychosocial treatments could involve psychotherapy, education, and support groups. Treatment for bipolar disorder needs to be continuous, even though there may be long periods of stability between episodes. |