The Schizophrenia Society of New Brunswick
Walk of Hope happening Saturday, September 21, 2024@11:00AM in French Fort Cove(Nordin side) and Moncton @ Irishtown Nature Park.
We would like to send a BIG THANK YOU! to the following supporters of our annual Walk of Hope 2024: Greco Pizza-Newcastle Rotary Club of Chatham Dr. Sanjay Siddhartha - Miramiichi Fidele Goguen - Miramichi Advantage Insulators (Chris Vrensen)- Moncton Annual General Meeting: This year our Annual General Meeting was held Tuesday May 31, 2022 via Zoom. The following officers were elected: President: Rambha Pershad- Moncton Vice President: Stacie Huston- Miramichi Treasurer: Rick White- Fredericton Membership Fees are in November Disability Tax Credit The disability tax credit (DTC) is a non-refundable tax credit that helps persons with disabilities or their supporting persons reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay. Being eligible for the DTC can also open the door to other government programs. For more information, go to or phone 1-800-959-8281. |
The 2024 J. Dean McAllister Bursary Awarded was presented to Raelyn Sherrard from Blackville High School Presented by SSNB-Vice President Stacie Huston
![]() Winners of the 2023 ACHIEVEment Recovery Award were from Woodstock: Jennifer Muir and Lydia Muir Pickel In the photo from left to right -Hayward House Director Marie Innes, Jennifer Muir,Lydia Muir Pickel, Amy Burns & Deb Logan This award is awarded to those who are living in recovery and helping inspire others with their own recovery journey.. The winner of the 2023 Pershad Award was Donna Craig from New Brunswick. In the photo is Donna Craig and Amy Burns Program Facilitator. The Pershad Award is awarded to acknowledge the remarkable courage and resilience of caregivers/persons who provide care, comfort and reassurance to a loved one experiencing mental health challenges. The recipient has also shown empathy and support to other caregivers in New Brunswick.
BIG Congratulations goes out to our honorary board member Gregory Zedon receiving the prestigious Disability Awareness Week Individual Provincial Award. His long-standing work has
not gone unnoticed once again, congratulations Greg!! |
Le crédit d'impôt pour personnes handicapées
Le crédit d'impôt pour personnes handicapées (CIPH) est un crédit d'impôt non remboursable qui aide les personnes handicapées et leurs aidants à réduire l'impôt sur le revenu qu'ils pourraient avoir à payer. Le fait d’être admissible au CIPH peut également leur permettre d’accéder à d’autres programmes gouvernementaux. Pour en savoir plus, allez à ou composez le 1-800-959-7383.
Le crédit d'impôt pour personnes handicapées (CIPH) est un crédit d'impôt non remboursable qui aide les personnes handicapées et leurs aidants à réduire l'impôt sur le revenu qu'ils pourraient avoir à payer. Le fait d’être admissible au CIPH peut également leur permettre d’accéder à d’autres programmes gouvernementaux. Pour en savoir plus, allez à ou composez le 1-800-959-7383.